Wednesday, February 12

The issues concerning Flushing Facial Tissues

People usually dispose of the used facial tissues whenever they desire to do so this is done mainly through the toilet. Sadly, people never get the chance to know the troubles behind this action.

Discarding tissue in the toilet may seemingly offer the desired convenience however, it is an enemy both to the septic systems and the environment itself. In this article, we shall address the issue of flushing facial tissues and understand why it is not a safe approach.

Design structure –

Just like toilet paper is designed to break down in the water, facial tissues are built instead to be durable and firmer. Their flat and hard surface can be a pain when they clog pipes and sewer systems when they are flushed. Such major obstacles can be a path t.

Additives –

Facial tissues typically undergo a process whereby they are treated with agents such as lotions and perfumes for them to become soft and have a pleasant smell. These chemicals in the tissues build up sediment layers, which cause clots and sewer backups exacerbating the strain on wastewater treatment facilities. These facilities cannot handle the non-biodegradable components and subsequently, will increase environmental troubles.

According to Trenchless Solutions – Can you flush facial tissues?

According to Trenchless Solutions, facial tissues are made from tough cellulose fibers and are not biodegradable. When overfilled, the contaminants that reach a water body pose a threat to the ecosystem; they cripple the aquatic environment. The accumulation of non-dissolvable synthetic rubbish in marine ecosystems largely destroys all forms of life in these water bodies and negatively influences the decisive equilibrium of these living systems.

Final Overview

Although one might find flushing tissues, it should never be practiced. From plumbing problems to environmental damage, the impact of flushed facial tissues is diverse and spread. The use of responsible throw-away methods and encouragement of more awareness will contribute to solving these problems and ensuring both our plumbing systems are intact and the environment is safe.

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