Thursday, February 13

Tag: Mosquitoe

5 Mistakes Homeowners Make That Attract More Mosquitoes

5 Mistakes Homeowners Make That Attract More Mosquitoes

Home Improvement, Pest Control
Mosquitoes are more than just a nuisance—they can also carry dangerous diseases such as West Nile virus and Zika virus. While most homeowners take some precautions to keep mosquitoes at bay, many unknowingly create the perfect breeding grounds for these pests. If you find yourself constantly swatting mosquitoes in your backyard, you might be making one of these common mistakes. 1. Letting Water Collect in the Yard One of the biggest mistakes homeowners make is allowing water to pool in their yard. Mosquitoes need standing water to breed, and even the smallest amount can turn into a mosquito nursery. Common culprits include clogged gutters, birdbaths, flower pot saucers, kiddie pools, and even old tires. To prevent mosquito breeding, regularly empty and clean any containers that collec...