Wednesday, February 12

Tag: damp cloth

Getting Your Pre-schoolers Involved with Cleaning

Getting Your Pre-schoolers Involved with Cleaning

Home Improvement
Too young to learn how to clean? Nah, not in our book!  With a little guidance and a lot of patience, it’s absolutely possible to engage pre-schoolers with some light house cleaning duties, and in fact, they are often capable of taking on more than we might give them credit for. The key to a successful cleaning pre-schooler, is to show them exactly what you want them to do, and to have a lot of patience until they get it right, or at least close to what you want. Encouragement and gratitude are also important; most younger children are eager to please, and by letting them know how much they’re helping you and how grateful you are for their efforts, you’ll likely get a lot more out of them, and they’ll clean unbegrudgingly.  While a lot will depend on each individual child and their abili...